Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lover and friends

Screenings and Diagnosis...... Find more HERE

After several years up north and quite a few years before that busy with my own life, it had been a very long time since I had seen my best friends. Sure we spoke every now and then, but it had been so long since I had spent any real time with many of them. This was a great opportunity for me.
  While making my arrangements to leave Springer on March 7, I had planned to take a few days to visit my friends. A part of that 2 week frenzy of plans that eventually led to my first, “work for stay”. Two houses had friends that I have known since my early teens, and one stop in Northern Ga. to visit the Lady I almost married in my late teens. A chance to see long lost friends was worth the trip already.
  I spent one night having the largest, most juicy hamburger, I think has ever existed, followed by some extra special brownies! The next day I helped decorate for a baby shower, Dr. Suess, was the theme. Dinner was a perfectly grilled steak with all the trimmings. The last stop was with my ex where I helped to repair problems with her water heater. I did some work she let me stay. Yes, I did say my ex, and yes I still love her and vice-versa. Life just took us on separate paths.
  It amazed me how many different emotions I could feel at this point. I was about to begin my lifelong dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail. I had met with the people I loved and cared for, and was about to spend several months in the wilderness away from them. The trickle of a bank account I had was horrifyingly scant, and I had to rely on the income from rent to survive for the next 7 months. My pack was heavy, my legs were weak, and I was sleeping about 20 minutes away from the trail head.

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