Monday, April 22, 2013

an average menu

Following is an average menu for a day on the trail

Breakfast: 2 packs of instant oatmeal and 2 pop tarts

Lunch: either a pack of ramen noodles or 2 peanutbutter (with or without honey) on a tortillas

Dinner: 1 pack tuna, 1 pack knorr noodle or rice side (sometimes with a ramen or a pack of instant potatoes mixed in) 

Snacks: 1-2 quart bags of trail mix or G.O.R.P. ( "good old raisins and peanuts")

A menu like this is fine at the beginning of the hike, but as you travel farther most people will generally add at least another dinner type of meal to the day

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1 comment:

  1. Sorry everyone, I had a code error that was bringing too many pop ups to the page. Hopefully I have the problem fixed. If you have any issues viewing this blog please make a comment
